Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Back in the mud!

Smokestack Pottery in Fort Collins welcomes with a comfortable atmosphere.
The right time, the right place, the right teacher...all the stars aligned for my return to the mud...a.k.a.

When the student is ready, the teacher appears.
       --possibly a Zen proverb

(I think I also heard the song Norma sings in Sunset Boulevard, "As if we never said goodbye," as I walked into the pottery studio for the first time in a long, long time.)

A view from the studio towards the entrance and small gift area.
How I LOVE working with clay--the feel of it in my hands, the amazing transformation it makes from lump to form (on a good day) and the endless shapes and colors it can become.  (Again, on a very good day!)

I will never forget the very first time I held a small portion in my hand as an introduction to clay.

I was amazed how it warmed in my hand and was willing to allow me to roll it, flatten it, stand it up, lay it flat.  It was such a gentle meeting of a substance that later thrilled me, whooped me, astonished me and sometimes frustrated me beyond what I thought was fair, for something called B-Clay.

Looking outside to the kilns.
And, how I LOVED it!  
For several years we were friends, sometimes a little cranky with each other, but usually both willing to JUST PLAY!!

How we played--creating whimsical and unusual pieces that defied most descriptions and even some pieces generously described as "functional."

Then we moved and I lost access to a throwing wheel, good ol' B-Clay, glazes and the right kilns.  Other art forms beckoned and challenged me and I was firmly focused on photography, sculpture, glass and painting--certainly enough to keep me busy and engaged--for YEARS, as it turned out.

My work area complete with familiar tools I gathered
long ago--and a big towel.
And, then, I found myself Post eARTh Exhibit in late March.  When one has been part of a collaboration so incredibly successful and fulfilling, it's almost like I found myself in an energy vacuum once it was over and I had time to catch my breath.

What direction next?  

All my old mediums seemed wanting a vacation and I felt eager and ready for something--but, I wasn't quite sure just what.

One morning while walking along the Poudre River I realized what was not just whispering in my ear but literally shouting at me--


My first pieces in a REALLY long time, trimmed and ready for the bisque kiln.
And, just like that I connected with the most amazing class, leaping at the last spot still open before the next classes began!!

Thank you Sue and Smokestack Pottery!!!

It's a WONDERFUL class, full of interesting and vibrant students of all ages and each at different skill levels.  (

My hands are back in the mud and it feels WONDERFUL!!!  

And, just when I thought this story couldn't get any sweeter, Smokestack Pottery has a giant white dog named Chewie!!

(Technically, Chewie belongs to Sue, but he's so willing to overlook that detail as resident cheerful canine.)

I swear, it's like a Gift With Purchase--back in the mud AND a fluffy dog to pet!!

As Norma sings..."Feel the early morning madness, feel the magic in the making.
Why, everything's as if we 
                                                       never said goodbye."

Hello Chewie!

Hummingbirds -- The Flying Jewels of the Sky!

A female hummingbird waits patiently for the feeder. Since childhood I  have been captivated and fascinated with "the flying jewels...